Wednesday, February 17, 2010


  1. Yep, you were right. I am going nuts over those trees. They remind me so much of that Omaha artist I had sent you the link to about a year ago. Just stunning. Can't wait to see more!

  2. I love your blog! Wish I had checked it out earlier. You all must be having soo much fun in Mesa. Jessica has filled me in a little. I know she is thoroughly enjoying her aunt time. Wish I could be there too but it is wonderful to hear stories and to see pictures. I love seeing a picture of Aunt Jan. Please give her my love! We've been praying for her.

  3. I wanted to comment and say that I LOVE the trees, but then I saw Becca's and it looks as though I am being a copycat. Oh well. I agree with her AND with Elsa that I should have checked this out sooner.
